Sonntag, 21. Februar 2021

Oh man

After the lucky 1:1 in the very last second, the Werkself can at least take a point with them from the city of dolls. But the crisis in results continues without any ifs and buts. It doesn't matter that Augsburg didn't manage to win against Bayer in the 20th attempt. 

I don't know what got into our midfield, because over the whole 90 minutes you had the feeling that there was no creativity at all. First always through the middle and then always through the outside and crosses, no matter whether there's someone there or not. 75% possession speaks for itself, but the Werkself didn't convert it into anything worthwhile.

It's always the same in football. If you win a few games, you have a run and get three points where you wouldn't have otherwise. If you lose a few times, your self-confidence is shattered and you're lacking in all areas.

On Thursday, it's back to business against Bern. After the 3:4 defeat, we need a win and I know that the boys can do that, because they showed that often enough in the first half of the season.

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