Freitag, 19. Mai 2023

Proud nonetheless

0:1 in the first leg, 0:0 in the second: Bayer Leverkusen is eliminated from the Europa League semifinals by AS Roma and has to bury its dream of reaching the final. You just have to net once in a while to get further. Nevertheless, it remains a positive review of this year's international competition.

Annoying was the unspeakable time play of the Romans. Half time 1 had a playing time of 48 minutes, but net it was only 29. Half time 2 playing time 53 minutes, but net only 27. That means: 45 minutes ran down on the clock without being played.

After every shot on goal from us, one of them was lying on the floor and needed a doctor. There was also clear criticism of the behavior of the Italian bench. They all jumped up at every two-on-two fight and demanded wildly gesticulating free kicks for them and especially attacked the fourth official. The entire referee team was infected by this. With all love, this has nothing to do with fairness and is bitter. It's a shame, in a semifinal at such a level, that such a style of play is rewarded in the end. That is bitter for soccer.

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