Samstag, 18. Mai 2019

The anthem resounds again in the BayArena

To be honest, I didn't think that was possible for a long time and the team has shown all critics what is possible in the last weeks and months. With a precision landing on the last matchday and a 5:1 victory in Berlin that was never at risk, the Werkself moved up to 4th place in the final table and entered the Champions League.

Today one could see in view of the constellations on the other places what the supposed point win against Schalke at home last week was worth.

Today I'm celebrating, but I'm sure that from tomorrow on the gazettes will start to speculate about potential retirements and new players. That's what they call a summer break. Anyway, I first register the CL match days in my calendar and nobody takes them out of my calendar.

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