Sonntag, 24. November 2019

Everything left behind

Was it only the bad turf, which all players complained about after the game, the fault that our team did not get beyond a 1:1 against Freiburg despite a two-digit number of top-class chances? Maybe there's some truth to it, but if there is, it's our own fault, because we played at home. Rarely have I seen a game where so many players slipped and got stuck.

Actually, you can hardly blame the Werkself, because our team played well. But it's still not enough to give them a "very good" rating. We would have had to net at least once more. But sometimes luck really isn't on our side. And that's no excuse or phrase.

It would be nice if luck returns on Tuesday in the Champions League game in Moscow. But only with luck you can't survive, we have to shine and win with two goals. Then the Euro League is safe and with a view to wintering in the Champions League there's still something to do.  

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