Sonntag, 25. April 2021

Frankfurt at home always works

 Yesterday was an important home victory for the Werkself against our favourite home opponent of the last few years, Eintracht Frankfurt, in the fight for Europe. For a long time it was a good game by our team, even if the 1:0 only came in the 70th minute. And with the quality of the opposing strikers, who are always good for a goal, it was important that Alario made it 2-0 ten minutes before the end.

This consolidates our sixth place. Even though we didn't expect to drop so far on Christmas Eve, it was important to freeze the 4-point lead against Union and Gladbach behind us. There are still nine points to be awarded and the goal difference is still in our favour. So that can work out. To do that, it's important to gather all our strength in the upcoming break and then get a three-point win in Bremen, even if they'll probably change coaches by then after seven defeats in a row.

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