Samstag, 19. Februar 2022

When you think you think, then you only think you think

What's that old hit song: When you think you think, you just think - A girl can't do that. When you think, with another three-pointer we could put further distance between us and the chasers after four wins. If you think we could take a lead away from home. If you think your best goal scorer could be out for a few weeks now. And the girl is Bayer.

Lost 3-2 in Mainz, conceded two goals in the last eight minutes. Schick substituted after 48 minutes. A goal conceded from a free-kick that wasn't a free-kick. A VAR intervention after a goal for the opponent leads to a disallowance, although it was actually legal. A shot from the crossbar that should have given us a 3:1 lead. That's football and yet Mainz were the deserved winners. Let's forget about it. Next Saturday against Bielefeld, we'll try for another three.

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