Montag, 7. November 2022

Is the knot coming undone now?

We needed a game like yesterday's 5-0 home win against Union Berlin. This game, which was tough until halftime, can serve to loosen knots and look ahead again with more confidence. Sometimes you also need a little luck and mistakes by the opponent, but that's part of football.

I was still very disappointed at half-time and everyone in my block was of the opinion that the defense was standing though. But none of my stadium neighbors seriously believed that the offense would manage to make decisive stabs. But it all turned out differently, and that's how you see it: when things are going well, things that had gone wrong a hundred times before start to work. And then suddenly it's 5:0.

Now we can't rest: Wednesday in Cologne and then at home against Stuttgart. With two wins, we can join the midfield and then do our homework in the winter and push ahead with the rebuild.

The knot is a little looser, but not yet untied.

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